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Hopkins’ planned giving program, 1660 Associates*, celebrates the founding year of the school and acknowledges the broader array of options available to donors to support Hopkins for tomorrow. The 1660 Associates is comprised of those who have included a bequest or created another planned gift that names Hopkins as a beneficiary. Hopkins Grammar School began in 1660 with the first charitable trust in America, and Edward Hopkins’ gift of £412 initiated a long tradition of supporting the school through planned giving. Hopkins encourages donors to make provisions in their wills, trusts, or retirement plans for the long-term benefit of the school. Planned gifts, particularly bequests, can have a tremendous impact on Hopkins’ future. At Hopkins, the 1660 Associates recognizes the extraordinary generosity of friends of the school who have chosen to remember Hopkins in their wills or through a charitable trust, gift annuity, retirement plans, or life insurance plan. 

*Formerly known as the Edward Hopkins Bequest Society


Mr. Peter Aaronson and Mrs. Harriet Aaronson P '03
Mr. Peter Alegi '52 HGS and Mrs. Lynda Alegi P '88, '81 +
Dr. Michael L. J. Apuzzo '57 HGS +
Mr. Mark D. Arons '76
Ms. Celeste L. Bagley '74
Mr. Don W. Bagnall P '09, '12 +
Mrs. Barbara Bergmann Baumecker '50 DAY +
Dr. John W. Beall and Ms. Sandra Klihr
Mr. Robert Belcher and Rev. Sandra Belcher P '95, '95
Dr. Richard Bernstein '78 and Mrs. Adriana Blanco P '26, '27 +
Mr. David E. Bluett '56 HGS
Mrs. Patricia Borghesan P '98, '06 +
Mr. Randall Briskin and Mrs. Deborah Briskin P '06, '10
Rear Adm. Thomas K. Burkhard '65 HGS
Mr. Christopher Burns '75 and Mrs. Patricia Palluotto Burns '75 +
Mr. Peter Burrow '77 and Mrs. Rula Burrow P '20
Judge Guido Calabresi '49 HGS and Mrs. Anne Tyler Calabresi '52 PHS P '80, '82, '85 +
Mr. Vincent Calarco and Mrs. Linda Calarco P '93, '96 +
Mr. Edward Cantor '57 HGS and Ms. Rise Siegel P '81, G '14
Ms. Catherine M. Caule '77
Ms. Meme Clifford '65 DPH
Mrs. Winifred Colleran and Mr. John Colleran P '89, '93, '95, '99
Mr. and Mrs. Woolsey S. Conover, Jr. '55 HGS +
Mrs. Alison Reid Daifuku '52 DAY
Mr. William M. Denkin and Mrs. Wonah S. Denkin P '24 +
Mr. William Dow III '59 HGS and Mrs. Diane Dow P '87, '88, '91, '93, '98, '99, '01 +
Mr. Stephen Falcigno '78 and Mrs. Loredana Falcigno P '12, '14
Ms. Elizabeth L. Ferando '81 +
Mr. Richard Ferguson '63 HGS and Mrs. Marissa Ferguson P '11, '14 +
Mr. David E. Fitzgerald '48 HGS
Mr. Harvey Geiger '60 HGS
Mr. Marshal Gibson '62 HGS P '97 +
Mr. Charles C. Goetsch '69 HGS and Mrs. Susan Blatt Goetsch P '00, '05 +
Mr. Paul J. Goldbecker '84
Mr. Peter F. Goldbecker '55 HGS +
Mrs. Betsy Goldstein Grauer '64 DPH and Dr. Leonard Grauer P '88, '90, G '23, '26, '27, '28 +
Dr. Jeffrey Gruskay and Mrs. Donna Gruskay P '06, '09
Mrs. Noreen T. Haffner P '90, '92, '99, '01
Dr. Jennifer D. Hall '63 DPH
Ms. Marnie Kling Halsey '68 DPH and Mr. Brian Dowling P '96, '98, '00, '04, G '25, '28
Mr. Henry Harrison '48 HGS and Ms. Ruth Lambert P '81, '84, '97, '01, G '13, '17 +
Mr. Peter Hart '57 HGS and Mrs. Carole Pfisterer Hart '60 PHS P '84, '86, '88
Ms. Megan W. Holbrook '87
Mrs. Barbara Baker Humphrey '68 DPH
Mr. Paul Johnson and Mrs. Gwendolyn Johnson P '82, '83, '87, G '12, '14, '22
Ms. Marisa Kalt '65 DPH
Mrs. Joan Giese Kenna '48 PHS P '73, '70, '71, '76, '82, '86, G '04 +
Dr. James A. Kidney, Jr. '55 HGS +
Mr. Kangsik Kim and Mrs. Inseon Kim P '08, '09
Dr. Tammron Kleeman '84 and Mrs. Courtney Kleeman P '15, '19 +
Mr. Jerome S. Klein '84 +
Mr. Ari D. Kleinman '92
Mr. William J. Kneisel '65 HGS +
Dr. Daniel M. Koenigsberg '58 HGS
Mrs. Daniel W. Kops, Sr. P '66, '68, '72, G '98, '00, '03, '06
Mr. James Lapides '70 HGS and Mrs. Michelle Lapides
Mr. Jon Leckerling and Mrs. Nancy Leckerling P '97
Mr. Theodore E. LeCompte '97
Mr. Matthew C. Lucke '92 +
Dr. John C. Malone '59 HGS +
Dr. Marshal Mandelkern P '05, '07
Ms. Virginia Cretella Mars '47 DAY +
Mrs. Ellen Bishop Martin '56 DAY
Mr. G. Kelly Martin and Mrs. Elizabeth Martin P '09, '10, '12, '14
Mr. Robert A. Mayer P '07, '12
Mr. James J. McAndrews, Jr. '72 HGS
Mr. Stephen V. McDonald '59 HGS
Mr. Peter Meehan '58 HGS and Mrs. Prudence Fairbrother Meehan '58 DAY P '85 +
Ms. Penelope Miller +
Dr. George M. Milne, Jr. '61 HGS
Dr. Namita Pandiri Mohideen '85 +
Ms. Mary L. Monaco P '08
Dr. John P. Mordes '65 HGS +
Mr. Frank L. Nasti, Jr. '52 HGS
Ms. Curtis A. Nelson '78
Mr. David I. Newton '67 HGS +
Mrs. Susan Niederhoffer and Mr. Victor Niederhoffer P '01, '04, '06
Mr. James F. Noonan, Jr. '56 HGS +
Mr. W. H. Odell, Jr. '50 HGS
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Opton '57 HGS
Ms. Sarah Parsons P '05, '08
Mr. Kenneth A. Paul, Jr. '68 HGS and Mrs. Holly Paul P '93, '95, '98, G '25, '26 +
Mr.* and Mrs. Edward Petraiuolo, Jr. P '76, '78, '82, '86, G '16 +
Mr. Daniel Prober and Mrs. Sharon Prober P '96, '01
Mr. Dennis J. Riordan '62 HGS
Ms. Jessica M. Roberti '91 +
Mrs. Diane D. Ruben and Dr. Harvey L. Ruben P '88, '91, '97
Ms. Laurie J. Sachs '88
Ms. Sylvia Schafer '80
Mr. Peter D. Schaffer '79
Mr. Paul B. Schatz '84 and Mrs. Teri Schatz P '23 +
Mr. Mark Seigel '98 +
Mr. Mark Sklarz '63 HGS and Mrs. Judith Sklarz P '92, '95, G '22 +
Mr. Steven Sneideman '83
Dr. David Steinmuller '52 HGS +
Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Stone '50 HGS
Mr. James B. Stowe '67 HGS
Ms. Susan N. Tarrant '66 DPH
Mrs. Jacoba Urist '94 and Dr. Marshall Urist +
Dr. Wichard A. J. van Heuven '51 HGS
Mr. Richard A. Walton '56 HGS
Mr. Joseph Waronka '59 HGS +
Mr. Davis Weinstock II and Mrs. Elizabeth Weinstock P '87, '89, '93
Mrs. Harriet Weissman +
Mr. Arnold West '81 and Mrs. Nadine Francis West
Dr. James Wong and Mrs. Elizabeth Wong P '03
Mr. Howard J. Young '85
Mr. Thomas H. Young III '55 HGS








​Beyond the numbers, charts, and lists of an Annual Report are the stories and achievements of those served. Your philanthropic investment in Hopkins has a meaningful and lasting impact on our students, today and in the future, and for that, we are enormously grateful.  Thank you.


Hopkins School’s Annual Report is published annually by the Advancement Office and reflects giving to the School from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. 


Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of listings. Please notify the Advancement Office of any error or omission at Hopkins School, 986 Forest Road, New Haven, CT 06515, 203.397.1001 or


*Please note: The Hopkins Fund was formerly named the Annual Fund.

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